
Art of achieving goals

We fail a lot. 92% of people can not reach their new year’s resolutions. Even this failure rate is lower at the beginning of the year.

We all have dreams, but achieving goals is more about statistics. So we are in New Year. Let’s discuss the art of achieving goals.

According to Reliable Plant, only 20% of people set goals for themselves, and those who have goals are 10 times more successful than those without goals. Do you know that less than 3% of people write their goals, and they are 3 times more efficient than others? That means those who set and write down their goals are 30 times more likely to achieve goals compared with people who only have desires.

Congratulations! As this blog follows the brevity principle(quality of being brief), you are at the second level!😊

“The result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.”

The definition looks simple but contains more details when we go deeper. One of the preferable techniques in goal building is SMART, a combination of 5 initial letters: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely-bounded. Now let’s describe them one by one.

Specific:  The goal should be clear and well-defined. For example, instead of setting a general goal of “improve my savings,” a specific goal might be “to save $10,000 for buying a down payment on a house.”

Note: A down payment is a percentage of your home’s purchase price that you pay upfront when you close your home loan.

Measurable: A measurable goal includes specific, quantifiable targets. For example, a measurable goal might be “I will save €1000 per month.” In business analysis and managerial subjects, there is a famous quote – “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.”. We live in the age of data, so we see the importance of it everywhere also for achieving goals.

Achievable: Initially, you are full of motivation, but we suggest you ensure your goal is achievable. For example, you may reconsider the measures you’ve set. It is a good idea to divide measurable into 2 for consistency. In that case, your goal will be “I will save €500 per month.”

Wow, you are at the third level. Let’s play a game!😉 I bet you will read till the end.🌠 The show must go on!🤩

Relevant: A relevant goal is important and aligned with your values, priorities, and initial desire. For instance, “Buying a house is a long-term financial goal that is important to me.” So we see it is relevant. There can be additions, “Buying a house is a long-term financial goal that is important to me, and I will not reduce my charity expenses per month.”

Timely-bounded: A time-bound goal includes a specific deadline for completion, which encourages you to do things on time. I will save €10,000 in a year and eight months by consistently saving €500 per month.

Here is the technique I use for goal building. If you have any other methods, you are very welcome to share them in the leave the reply section. By the way, we are currently working on a project called Join, a collaborative goal-tracking tool. We are planning to change the game by building this platform. You can pre-register here by contacting:

By following the SMART criteria, we can set effective and achievable goals that will help us to move closer to our desired outcomes. That’s all for today. I wish you a wonderful year!

Congratulations! You nailed it! I hope you find it useful. Have a pleasant day🌻


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