How can we tell if people are crazy? Maybe those outside the asylum are sicker than those inside. The Cassandra complex, the paradox of past and future time, the discovery of madness. Ending humanity with a virus. All these are the main themes of the movie 12 Monkeys. It’s strange, I re-checked the movie I accidentally watched during the Corona lockdown.
Love. Paranoia. Criticism of consumer society. Interesting topics. But the film does this in a very strict way. A group of paranoids who see society on the verge of total destruction almost bring about its end.

I can say that I like the movie. In 1995, Terry Gilliam’s interesting screen work. But towards the end, everything became pointlessly chaotic, which was the part that I didn’t like.
If someone told you that he came from the future and is researching a virus that will destroy the world, would you think he is crazy?
Thanks for reading! Enjoy your day😊
2 replies on “How 12 Monkeys Explores the Themes of Time, Memory, and Madness”
I have never got a chance to watch it even though it has been on my watch list for so long! Thanks for the intriguing comments 😮
I am glad, you liked the post Kamran! Yes, the movie is very interesting. Thank you very much for your comment!😊