That was the day Gregor Samsa’s life eternally changed. Feeling pains in every part of your body, and that’s not important. The soul hurts more. There are many people like Gregor, colleagues hate, family denies, and society rejects them.
Imagine you wake up from uneasy dreams found yourself in your bed like a massive insect. Even that’s not an insect, just an ugly creature. You close and open your eyes to wake up from a nightmare, and it becomes more and more when you see that it is reality. When I read the first paragraph of the masterpiece by Kafka, I discovered how powerful it is. The book not only shows the metamorphosis of the main character but also, the major change in the people around him. If you are useless no one cares, if you will die or not, you are a parasite wasting resources. So this change only took the masks of the people.

Understanding the work may take time, but it hit me several times, like the apple hit Gregor. Could an apple kill someone?!
Thank you for reading!🐛🦋⬛