
The YouTube Revolution: A New Era of Content Creation

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away (well, not that far, just in San Francisco, it depends where you are right now), three former PayPal employees were having dinner. They were Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim. They were frustrated because they couldn’t find an easy way to share videos online. So they decided to do something about it.

In February 2005, they founded YouTube, an online video-sharing platform. In May of that year, the beta version of YouTube was up and running, and within a month, the very first video was posted. It was titled “Me at the Zoo” and featured Karim talking about elephants and their trunks at the San Diego Zoo.

The first-ever YouTube video

By September 2005, YouTube had its first video with one million views. It was a Nike ad that went viral. The following month, in November of 2005, the venture capital firm Sequoia Capital invested an impressive $3.5 million in the business. Roelof Botha (who also formerly worked for Paypal) joined YouTube’s board of directors. But it didn’t stay small for long.

In November 2006, Google bought the site for US$1.65 billion. Today, YouTube is one of the largest and most popular online video distribution platforms. It has more than 4 billion hours of video viewers monthly, and an estimated 500 hours of video content are uploaded to YouTube every minute.

Its influence has enabled the creation of an entirely new profession — YouTube content creator, which can be a very profitable career for some YouTubers worldwide.

YouTube started as a simple idea to make it easier to share videos online and has grown into one of the largest and most influential platforms on the internet. Its success is a testament to the power of innovation and entrepreneurship. I hope you enjoyed the post! Thanks!

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6 replies on “The YouTube Revolution: A New Era of Content Creation”

I read this article with the hope of one day people will write the articles about your successful projects too.

Thank you for the post, Hasan.
While I also appreciate how they reinvented how revenue is generated through platforms (although sometimes in an annoying way, obviously ads), I found these statistics terrifying: “An estimated 500 hours of video content are uploaded to YouTube every minute.”
Who is watching all of this content? What is the cost of this modern content consumerism? Could it be our attention and valuable time?
Recently, what is relevant for all social media companies is that they are competing for our attention and they actively work on how to make their algorithms as sticky as possible, so that you hook up on them and spend more time.

Hey Kamran,

Thanks for the interesting comment☺️

Yes, you are right. Actually, YouTube’s business model is one of the “best”. So if we get a premium we will make money for YouTube, if not preferring to pay money, we pay through watching ads. In both options the system gains. However, the monetary reward is not only the case, data is. Our behaviour and machine learning algorithms define the future strategy of YouTube. Based on our choices it offers a variety of videos to larger groups. It is like testing hypotheses continuously and we are just like rats in an experiment. It asks “what is your fav cheese?;)”

Yeap, and the Youtube is not the only one in the game, that is already part of our life.

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