
Inc. Start a Successful Business book review

In this post, we are going to review Inc. Start a Successful Business by Colleen DeBaise, published by American Management Association. The name may sound cliché, but there is something unique about this book. It follows a scientific approach, including inspirational startup stories, interviews with founders, and recent data that makes it valuable. There are […]


What reading techniques can we use to progress efficiently and exercise our brains?

Undoubtedly, reading is one of the most powerful skills that brought humanity to this level of advancement. This post will discuss different reading techniques to progress effectively and exercise our brains. There are three main types: Standard strategies are useful for a person who is a long-time reader, and the main goal is to comprehend […]

Art Start-up

How to design an impressive startup pitch deck?

If you are a startup’s founder, or if you want to be, one of the frequent things to do is to be ready for pitch presentations. In this post, our main focus is designing an impressive pitch deck. There is a recipe I formed in the last 5 years of experience: Now you have some […]