
Learning from Failure: My Experience with 2 Startups & the Key Takeaways: #5 Lack of Predefined Values

Why? Sometimes we do not like this question. Finding an answer is tiring and possibly disappointing. However, when we go to the root cause of our desire, it brings many useful results. So, why do you want to build a startup? Do you have a good reason? Understanding truth shows you the right direction. Building […]


Learning from Failure: My Experience with 2 Startups & the Key Takeaways: #4 Time VS Progress

In the startup ecosystem, time works against you. If you are new here, you probably will follow the mistakes I have already made, such as lack of focus, struggling with financial instability, and neglecting value. In today’s post, we will explore the 4th necessary problem that led us to failure: Long Time⌛ – Less progress📉 […]


Learning from Failure: My Experience with 2 Startups & the Key Takeaways: #3 Neglecting value

Failure lessons go on. Last time we discussed the negative impact of financial instability and lack of focus. Another common mistake is that entrepreneurs over-emphasize product development and underemphasize value. Sometimes perfectionism kills startups. In my previous two projects, it had a severe effect on the first and a slight on the second one. This […]


Learning from Failure: My Experience with 2 Startups & the Key Takeaways: #2 Financial instability

There are too many challenges while building a startup, and how we react them leads us failure or success. Last time we discussed lack of focus, in this post, we talk about the second huge mistake – financial instability’s impact on startups. Money is energy that forces system’s wheels to turn, push companies to grow, […]


Why should you participate in hackathons: How to be one of the winning teams?

During this week, I participated in one of the best Hackathon organizers in East Europe, Garage48‘s event – Student Startup Supercamp, an annual entrepreneurship BootCamp, and our team won 3rd place. So, in post #12, I will share my experiences with hackathons and some hints to win competitions and mistakes you should not follow. Congratulations! […]


Learning from Failure: My Experience with 2 Startups & the Key Takeaways: #1 A Lack of Focus

It hurts, but I should regretfully declare that I have failed in my second startup too. Building a company is complicated, and if it is a startup, it is extra challenging. I have been in the startup ecosystem from the age of 18 for more than 5 years. I have encountered different challenges, competitions, incubators, […]


How to achieve a competitive advantage

One of the interesting subjects we had at the University of Tartu was Business Growth Strategies. In the post â„–8, I want to share one of the answers to the final exams we had. It is about the strategy of Achieving and Sustaining Competitive Advantage. All living organisms attempt to gain survival advantage in nature. […]

Start-up Technology

87% of this post is not written by a human – Interview with OpenAI ChatGPT

Chatbots and virtual assistants have become an increasingly common way for businesses and organizations to interact with their customers and users. These technologies rely on powerful language models to generate humanlike responses and engage in meaningful conversations with users. One such language model is ChatGPT, a variant of the popular GPT (Generative Pre-training Transformer) model […]


Inc. Start a Successful Business book review

In this post, we are going to review Inc. Start a Successful Business by Colleen DeBaise, published by American Management Association. The name may sound cliché, but there is something unique about this book. It follows a scientific approach, including inspirational startup stories, interviews with founders, and recent data that makes it valuable. There are […]

Art Start-up

How to design an impressive startup pitch deck?

If you are a startup’s founder, or if you want to be, one of the frequent things to do is to be ready for pitch presentations. In this post, our main focus is designing an impressive pitch deck. There is a recipe I formed in the last 5 years of experience: Now you have some […]