
Understanding Startup Metrics #4 – Active Users, MoM Growth, Churn, Burn Rate

2+2=4 That’s right, numbers do not lie. People do. 😒 Numbers are essential for measuring the growth and value of startups. 💰 In the previous posts, we discussed some financial metrics related to startups. Today, we will explore other important metrics you should not miss. 🚀 Active Users🔥 There are various definitions for Active users. […]


Countries Unicorn Olympics – Bar Chart Race

Hello! I love visualization stuff. That makes things less complicated and easy to understand.🖼️ Yeah, from childhood, we learn by modeling, playing with toys, coloring, and drawing. Visualization helps us understand phenomena and numbers better.👶🏻 Today I’m happy to share that I’ve created my first bar chart race visualization. I was planning to prepare it […]


Understanding Startup Metrics #3 – Billings, Deferred Revenue, and Customer Acquisition Cost

Yes, numbers, and here we go again. In our previous two posts, we’ve dissected crucial financial metrics that serve as indicators of a startup’s vitality. These numbers are like vitamins in the human body and present how well your company does. Today, we turn our attention to three key metrics: Unearned or Deferred Revenue, Billings, […]


Behind the Play Button: The Rise of Spotify

Music. The resonating echo of the soul. Visionary innovators see the needs of humanity and strive to manifest solutions that fulfill these demands. Today we will step into one of the most expansive sound libraries ever created – the story of Spotify. Stockholm, Sweden, 2006. The founders, Daniel Ek and Martin Lorentzon, both had successful […]


Product-Market Fit: The Make or Break Point of Startup

Product-market fit (PMF) is a term that describes a scenario where a company’s target customers are buying, using, and telling others about the company’s product in numbers large enough to sustain that product’s growth and profitability. It is often credited to entrepreneur and investor Marc Andreessen. Importance of Product-Market Fit Achieving PMF is crucial for […]


Understanding Startup Metrics #2 – Contract Value vs. Lifetime Value vs. Gross Merchandise Volume

In the last post, we delved into key financial metrics such as Bookings, Revenue, and Gross Profit. Today, we’ll further explore the domain of financial metrics, which are indispensable for the growth and development of startups. We’ll be focusing on Contract Value, Lifetime Value, and Gross Merchandise Value. Contract value Total Contract Value (TCV) represents […]


Even Atoms Have a Schedule: How Atomic Clocks Define Time

Time?! Is it real or just an imaginary measure we use? This question has intrigued philosophers, physicists, chemists, and even biologists for centuries. Today we will not dive that deep, instead, we’re going to explore the world of atomic clocks, considered one of the most accurate timekeeping devices in existence. In 1948, a group of […]


Why do startups prefer Garage?

The garage is a symbol of innovation and entrepreneurship in the startup world. Many of the world’s most successful companies, such as Google, Apple, Amazon, and Disney, started in garages. But what makes the garage such a fertile ground for creativity and business growth? Here are some possible reasons why startups started from garage: The […]


Understanding Startup Metrics #1 – Bookings vs. Revenue vs. Gross Profit

In the early stages of a startup, founders may overlook the importance of metrics due to the seemingly insignificant size of their operations. However, these metrics are crucial for several reasons: Remember, while the numbers might seem small in the beginning, they hold the potential to provide powerful insights that can guide a startup’s growth […]


Why Renewable Energy? 5 Reasons

Humans. Sometimes, we still live as hunter-gatherers. Considering it is not a bad action, we should use natural resources to continue our civilization. However, there are limited resources and endless demand from our side. One of the important factors is energy, after we discovered how to reserve and use it, it became an inseparable part […]

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Tips for building your startup

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