
The Half Year of Blogging: Power of Consistency

This will not be a long blog post — more about the look through the last 6 months. Every Sunday, I posted one blog, and there are some lessons that definitely helped me to progress on the way, which I am going to share in the next paragraphs.

Before that, I want to share, I am thankful for this journey. That was not easy. Sometimes you do not feel good and do not want to write or share something with people. However, something inside fires you up, and creating something becomes part of every weekend. Even if you spent your week not that productive, that is the moment you create value, and you can say you did something valuable. If just a single person took something useful from one of the posts, that’s the world to me. So, here are the lessons I learned while blogging.

  • Consistency is key. Not only in blogging, but whenever you do something consistently, it affects your behavior, mood, thinking, and understanding of the universe. The ocean is covered by drops of water. Small steps make big differences. You are more patient, silent, and fulfilled. Having all these is a good reason to go on.
  • Be responsible. Yes, now I am more responsible. Because I promised, “I will share posts on a weekly basis.” It shows being decisive. Even though difficulties appear, solutions are also there. Just you need to look at it from the right angle. That is your work, and you should deal with it.
  • Enjoy. That is the key point. If I did not like what I was writing, probably that would be a nightmare. Do what you love, be curious, and ask questions. Read, write, and learn.
  • Do not stick with numbers. That should not be your barrier. Sometimes there are more visitors, sometimes less. The main point is not to give others a chance to disappoint you. Actually, they do not. You are the one. If you want to be disappointed, you will be. If it takes time, that will be more fun to get there. The fun part is not only the destination, it is the process.
  • Be innovative. I feel a lack at this point, I should improve blogging and have new features. However, it takes time, and nowadays, I am dealing with my thesis. So, it is not that joyful right now.😂 However, having many different ideas encourages me to go on. Stay tuned, friend🤞🏼

So, the post was an overview of what I encountered during blogging. Maybe that will inspire you to start doing something you enjoy and find useful.

Thanks for reading! Enjoy your day, that’s the present for you😊

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