
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow of Search Engines

Curiosity and desire to learn. People adored how knowledge lightens the darkness. Sometimes, it is the secret source of power and sometimes a curse. It started in the Old Ages in Assyria, the world’s oldest known library, founded in the 7th century B.C. Thousands of years later, the dream of ruling knowledge and access to […]


From Steam to Cyber: The Evolution of Industrial Revolutions

We adore ruling the time. The idea of being physically free and having a passion for producing more brought humanity to this level of technological advancement. The Industrial Revolutions have been a series of global transitions of the human economy towards more efficient and stable manufacturing processes that succeeded the Agricultural Revolution. These revolutions have […]


The YouTube Revolution: A New Era of Content Creation

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away (well, not that far, just in San Francisco, it depends where you are right now), three former PayPal employees were having dinner. They were Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim. They were frustrated because they couldn’t find an easy way to share videos online. […]


The Movie “Who Am I?” Hacking the Mind

Benjamin. Who do you think he is? An odd resemblance, but it doesn’t matter. No system is safe. And the systems that people build in their minds. The world is full of Hackers, who aim to conquer. Is Benjamin a mental patient who believes his own lies or a very professional liar? What to believe […]


How Art Heals? Discovering Creativity Cure

There are always difficult times. Life is full of ups and downs. Being tired of the same stuff daily and stuck in a vicious cycle. Is it the life you want to live? So I want to share my own experience and a few websites that give overview about how art help in difficult times. […]

Start-up Technology

How to Build Software with the Help of AI

Have you ever imagined building a digital product by simply putting on your headphones and talking to your computer? What if, even when you’re out of ideas, an Artificial Intelligence friend could provide you with some brilliant ones? While it may sound like science fiction, technology is rapidly advancing towards this reality. Today, I put […]

Start-up Technology

Story of Rise and Fall: Dot-Com Bubble

Once upon a time, in the late 1990s, there was a period known as the dot-com bubble. Also known as the Internet bubble, was a period from 1995 to 2000 of large, rapid, and ultimately unsustainable increases in the valuation of stock market shares in Internet service and technology companies. These companies were commonly referred […]


The Final Showdown

Son Üzləşmə Ölüm hökmü verilib. Gənc aynada öz əksinə baxır. Lakin burada nəsə bir qəribəlik var. Orada öz uşaq halı hönkür-hönkür ağlayır. Çünki artıq sonun çatdığını bilir. Uşağın ilıq göz yaşları buz kimi səthdən sürüşüb yeri isladır. Artıq heç nəyi dəyişmək mümkün deyil. Əlində üzərində naxışları olan gözəl bıçağa baxır. Son bir ildə sevdiyi, biləklərində […]


How to Explain Products to Customers? – Keep it Simple

Ever feel like we make easy things hard? Customers can get confused when we do that. We, humans👽 do not like questions, and if there are many of them in the product or service, even if they are beneficial for us, we are avoiding them. Sometimes they are just tiring. Do you know, according to […]


Importance of Interviews and Surveys to Gather Valuable Data for Your Startup

As a startup, it’s necessary to understand the needs and wants of your customers, partners, and prospects. One way to do this is by conducting interviews and surveys to gather data and insights. This data can then be used to generate valuable content for the marketing of product too.😎 Conducting interviews and surveys allows you […]