
The Movie “Who Am I?” Hacking the Mind

Benjamin. Who do you think he is? An odd resemblance, but it doesn’t matter. No system is safe. And the systems that people build in their minds. The world is full of Hackers, who aim to conquer. Is Benjamin a mental patient who believes his own lies or a very professional liar? What to believe […]


How Art Heals? Discovering Creativity Cure

There are always difficult times. Life is full of ups and downs. Being tired of the same stuff daily and stuck in a vicious cycle. Is it the life you want to live? So I want to share my own experience and a few websites that give overview about how art help in difficult times. […]


The Final Showdown

Son Üzləşmə Ölüm hökmü verilib. Gənc aynada öz əksinə baxır. Lakin burada nəsə bir qəribəlik var. Orada öz uşaq halı hönkür-hönkür ağlayır. Çünki artıq sonun çatdığını bilir. Uşağın ilıq göz yaşları buz kimi səthdən sürüşüb yeri isladır. Artıq heç nəyi dəyişmək mümkün deyil. Əlində üzərində naxışları olan gözəl bıçağa baxır. Son bir ildə sevdiyi, biləklərində […]


The Metamorphosis: A Journey into Kafka’s Bizarre Nightmare

That was the day Gregor Samsa’s life eternally changed. Feeling pains in every part of your body, and that’s not important. The soul hurts more. There are many people like Gregor, colleagues hate, family denies, and society rejects them. Imagine you wake up from uneasy dreams found yourself in your bed like a massive insect. […]


How 12 Monkeys Explores the Themes of Time, Memory, and Madness

How can we tell if people are crazy? Maybe those outside the asylum are sicker than those inside. The Cassandra complex, the paradox of past and future time, the discovery of madness. Ending humanity with a virus. All these are the main themes of the movie 12 Monkeys. It’s strange, I re-checked the movie I […]


The Half Year of Blogging: Power of Consistency

This will not be a long blog post — more about the look through the last 6 months. Every Sunday, I posted one blog, and there are some lessons that definitely helped me to progress on the way, which I am going to share in the next paragraphs. Before that, I want to share, I […]


Discovering the Reality through Fantasy: A Review of Howl’s Moving Castle Anime

Re-watching an anime, I enjoyed to binge-watch on TV years ago. Realizing that it’s not just for kids. Works that are devoted to all ages, I guess I love them. Various unusual heroes typical of the anime world appear unexpectedly. The main characters of the work are Howl and Sophie. Two cursed youths. Sophie is […]


The Power of Storytelling: Why We Need to Read Fiction in Our Lives?

Nowadays, I hear from many people reading fiction books is just a waste of time. Scientific and non-fiction are way much better, but I disagree with this option. Reading. Probably one of the old ways to transfer information. It comes from our nature of being social. We need to share knowledge or tell stories. Also, […]


A Clockwork Orange: A Journey into the Darkest Corners of the Human Psyche

A clockwork orange is a dystopian novel written by Anthony Burgess in 1962. There are 4 main heroes or anti-heroes in the book: Alex, Dim, Pete, and Georgie. Despite their young age, these teenagers are prone to violence and lead aggressive lives. But, like everything, it comes to an end. We watch what is happening […]


Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland – Childish book for grown-ups

Charles Dodgson, a professor of mathematics by profession, is better known by his literary pen name Lewis Carroll. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was first printed in 1865 with only 5,000 copies. In the future, this book would bring the author world fame and be translated into 170 languages. Even Queen Victoria liked the book so […]